**Seeking additional adult volunteers - please see latest news!


Beavers are usually aged between six and eight years old, though they can be as young as five and three quarters.

On Mondays in Three Bridges and Thursdays in Maidenbower our Beavers meet to take part in a wide variety of different games and activities and have lots of fun along the way.

Being a Beaver is all about:

  • Learning new skills and trying new things
  • Having fun and going on adventures
  • Making new friends
  • Being curious about your environment
  • Helping others and making a difference in the local community and beyond

What Do Beavers Do?


Exploring the great outdoors

You’ll spend lots of time outside with your Colony. Together, you might build a den at our local campsite ‘Stanfords’, try crate stacking or take part in a hike or sleepover. You are guaranteed to have plenty of adventures on your own doorstep, because being a Beaver is all about making the most of what you have, whoever you are.

Trying new activities and learning new things

The most important skills you’ll build on at Beavers are personal skills. These include things like integrity – which means being honest and doing what you think is right – and initiative – which means knowing how to take the lead on something without being asked. It’s all about having the courage to try new things and put them into practise.

Helping others

Beavers work as a team to help other people, in their local communities and beyond.

Who Leads Beavers?

Each Colony is made up of children aged 6 to 8, led by several adult Beaver leaders (often parents or grandparents). Other adult volunteers (parent helpers or student volunteers) are on hand to help supervise activities, share their skills and keep everyone safe.

Within their Colony, Beavers are also part of a Lodge. A Lodge is a smaller group of Beavers, usually headed up by an older Beaver known as a Lodge Leader.

The Lodge Leader may be responsible for welcoming new members to the Colony, being extra helpful during a camp, or taking charge of a game or activity. We try to make sure everyone takes a turn at being Lodge Leader during their time with Beavers.

Beavers usually stand together in their Lodges at the beginning and end of meetings. They may be asked to look out for each other on trips away, or work as a team during activities.

Promises and Ceremonies

As well as enjoying plenty of adventures, being a Beaver is about exploring who you are and what you stand for. These are big ideas, and when you join the Colony, you’ll start thinking about them by making a promise that mean something to you, which you try to follow every day.

Making the promise is a big celebration within the Colony. Once a new Beaver decides to join, they talk through their promise with their leaders before saying it out loud in front of the Colony. Family and friends are invited come along to watch. This is called being ‘invested’ into Beavers, and it usually takes place once you’ve had a few weeks to settle in.

Each Beaver is unique but there are some things all Beavers promise – to treat everyone with kindness and to do their best. Depending on their own particular beliefs, Beavers might also promise to live by their faith. Beavers can choose the promise that best suits them and promises are renewed on key days such as St George’s Day.

There is also a Scouting motto ‘Be Prepared’.


Beavers wear core uniform of a turquoise sweatshirt and a group necker.

Uniform can either be bought from Scout Shops Ltd or our local Scout Shop. You can ask the leader for more information on what and where to buy.

We don’t want anyone to miss out through financial hardship. If concerns about finances may prevent your child taking part in Scouting or some activities, speak to your Colony leader, as some assistance may be available in confidence.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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